Strategic priorities for 2020-2025. Download the SERNBC Strategic Plan 2020-2025 document.
Goal: We will maintain a steady trajectory of growth to ensure sustainability of the organization.
Objective 1: Ensure adequate and continued base funding to support a full-time paid Society coordinator.
Objective 2: Continue the strategic use of seed funding to develop priority restoration programming and projects.
Objective 3: Continue to grow regional project development committees to identify local and regional restoration interests and align them with strategic priorities and funding opportunities.
Goal: We will direct further attention to a number of key governance and structural policies to ensure clear and transparent operation of the organization.
Objective 1: We will create defined roles for Directors to clarify shared responsibilities for various organizational functions.
Objective 2: We will strive to have an inclusive and diverse board representing the north areas's diverse cultural, social, and gender perspectives.
Objective 3: We will consider and implement policy tools to build regional representation from all three, Skeena, Omineca, and Northeast, Forest Regions in northern BC.
Goal: We will actively seek new opportunities to align First Nations interests and capacity with the activities of the Society.
Objective 1: We will endeavor to work to with First Nations as partners in the development and delivery of restoration programming.
Objective 2: We will work to further First Nations involvement in the Society, including, but not limited to, BOD membership, committee involvement, and project development and implementation.
Goal: We will diversify our largely terrestrial focus to include priority degraded aquatic habitats for restoration activities.
Objective 1: We will actively seek partnership opportunities with other nongovernmental organizations to support the development of ecosystem restoration projects targeting degraded fish habitat.
Objective 2: We will continue to support the development and implementation of fish passage assessment and watershed assessment tools.
Objective 3: We will broaden our membership to include representation from all levels of government and actively pursue funding for and develop aquatic restoration projects.
Goal: Where possible, we will develop, encourage, and partake in landscape level landuse planning initiatives to provide an ecosystem restoration perspective.
Objective 1: We will participate in land-use planning and watershed assessment forums to ensure the holistic consideration of all ecosystem values.
Objective 2: Will seek to understand and incorporate resolution of landscape issues into project delivery.
Goal: We will engage in communication efforts to build the SERNbc brand and increase awareness of our expertise and capacity to land managers, users and the general public to create opportunities and support for ecosystem restoration in northern BC.
Objective 1: Provide targeted audiences with SERNbc related information, tools, and educational materials and support further development and on-the-ground delivery of ecosystem restoration programming.
Objective 2: Develop and disseminate ecosystem restoration information that is targeted towards individuals and organizations that can play a role in ecosystem restoration.
Objective 3: Build a constituency of support for ecosystem restoration through relationships and strategic partnerships.