



Ecosystem Strategic Planning and Restoration

Fire-maintained ecosystem restoration in BC's Rocky Mountain Trench
Blueprint for Action. — 2006.
Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosystem Restoration Steering Commitee.
Supplement to Blueprint for Action 2006
Blueprint for Action. — 2006-2009.
Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosystem Restoration Steering Commitee.
A Manual for Growing and Using Seed from Herbaceous Plants Native to the Northern Interior of BC
Burton, C. and Burton, P. — 2003.
Cariboo-Chiloctin ecosystem restoration plan: glassland benchmark
Blackwell & Associates. — 2007.
Society for Ecological Restoration International Guidelines for Developing and Managing Ecological Restoration Projects, 2nd Edition
Clewell, A.., Rieger, J. and Munro, J. — 2005.
Does proactive biodiversity conservation save costs?
Drechsler, M., Eppink, F.V. & Wätzold, F. — 2011.
Biodiversity Conservation 20:1045-1055.
Douglas-fir management guidelines for the Prince George Forest Region
Ministry of Forests - Prince George Region. — 2001.
Ministry of Forests.
Ecological Restoration Guidelines For British Columbia
Douglas, T.
Integrating Ecosystem Restoration Into Forest Management Practical Examples for Foresters
Douglas, T.
Ecological restoration guidelines for British Columbia
Ecosystem restoration: planning and prioritizing, Cascade Forest District
Blackwell & Associates. — 2008.
Northern Interior Strategic Regional Restoration Plan
Gagne, J. et al. — 2006.
Ground Work Basic Concepts of Ecological Restoration in British Columbia
Gayton, D. — 2001.
Peace-Liard burn program: five-year burn plan 2012-2017
Goddard, A. — 2011.
Ministry of Forests, Lands & Natural Resource Operations.
Five Year Plan 2010-2015, natural disturbance type-4: Ecosystem Restoration Program Rocky Mountain Trench
Harris, B.J.R. — 2010.
Rockey Mountain Forest District.
The myths of restoration ecology
Hilderbrand, R. H., A. C. Watts, and A. M. Randle. — 2005.
Ecology and Society 10(1): 19.
Strategic Ecological Restoration Assessment (SERA) of the Prince George Forest Region Results of a Workshop
Holt, R. — 2001.
Post-Wildfire Soil Erosion, Flood, and Landslide Risks Wildland Urban Interface Symposium 2008, Penticton
Jordan, P. et al. — 2008.
Assisted Migration of Douglas-Fir in the Omineca Region. Contract # ER14DVA-005 & 22000 20 SERN2013-6
McCormack, J. — 2014.
Effectiveness Monitoring Guidlinesfor EcosystemRestoration Final Report
Machmer, M. and Steeger, C. — 2002.
Species Inventory Fundamentals: Standards for components of British Columbia's Biodiversity No. 1
RIC. — 1998.
Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Resources Inventory Branch.
Strategic plan for the use of prescribed fire to restore ecosystems in the Okanagan region
Blackwell & Associates and Gray Consulting. — 2006.
Ecosystem Restoration Opportunities in the Skeena Region
Prepared by LM Forest Resource Solutions Ltd., Ronalds Ecological Consulting, Silverwood Natural Resource Consultants. — 2018.
Identifying road reforestation opportunities at a landscape level
Thompson, S., and D. Fodor. — 2018.
Powerpoint Presentation.
Planning Process for Reforesting Temporary Roads in the Southern Portion of the Stuart Nechako Resource District
— 2018.
Ecosystem Restoration Opportunities in the South Peace
McCulloch, L. — 2016.
Prepared by LM Forest Resource Solutions Ltd..
Omineca Scoping Report
SERNbc Strategic Intent Omineca 2013
Vanderhoof Ecosystem Restoration Workshop 2012

Caribou Recovery

Laidman UWR Burn Plan 2009
— 2009.
Laidman Lake Prescribed Burn
Ronalds, I., and L. Grant. 2018. Tweedsmuir Lichen Restoration Trial Year 1 Report
Ronalds, I., and L. Grant. — 2018.
Prepared for L. Grant Skeena Region, Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development.
Rehabilitation of caribou winter range following attack by mountain pine beetle: 2017 post-treatment site monitoring UWR U-7-012
Cichowski D., G. Sutherland, and R.S. McNay. — 2018.
Wildlife Infometrics Inc. Report No. 617. Wildlife Infometrics Inc., Mackenzie, British Columbia, Canada.
Quintette Caribou Habitat Restoration Program: 2019 Implementation Report
Steynen, Marc. — 2019.
Whitesail Reach Caribou Calving Islands Rehabilitation
DWB. — 2019.
SERN BC: Caribou Habitat Restoration in the 61 Road - Elleh Creek Area
SERN BC. — 2022.
Northeast BC Disturbance and Restoration Data Development Project Report
Hatfield Consultants LLP. — 2020.
Pyper et al. 2014.

Road Rehabilitation

Road Rehabilitation Algorithm: Modeling Update
Fodor, D., O. Kovalchuk, and R. Spyksma. — 2018.
Prepared by Forsite Consultants Ltd., for BC Ministry of Forest, Land, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development.
Road Rehabilitation Program – Francois Lake
Forsite Consultants Ltd. — 2018.
Prepared for Society for Ecosystem Restoration in Northern Central BC.
Nadina-South Ootsa Woodland Caribou: Road Rehabilitation Standards and Effectiveness Monitoring
DWB. — 2019.
Crystal Lake Road Rehabilitation Collaborative Plan.
Forsite Consultants Ltd. — 2020.

Wildfire Recovery

Kenney Dam Wildfire Ecosystem Restoration Plan
Forsite Consultants Ltd. — 2018.
Prepared by Forsite Consultants Ltd. for Society for Ecosystem Restoration in Northern BC.
Little Bobtail Wildfire Ecosystem Restoration Plan
Forsite Consultants Ltd. — 2018.
Prepared by Forsite Consultants Ltd. for Society for Ecosystem Restoration in Northern BC.
Island Lake Wildfire Ecosystem Restoration Plan
Price, K., and D. Daust. — 2019.
Shovel Lake Wildfire Ecosystem Restoration Plan
Daust, D., and K. Price. — 2019.
Shovel Lake Ecosystem Restoration Plan: Vegetation Monitoring Report
Ronalds, I. — 2022.

Prescribed Fire

Cunningham Lake prescribed burn site (east end): vegetation/burn effectiveness monitoring. Wildlife Infometrics Inc. Report No. 306.
Sulyma, R. — 2008.
Wildlife Infometrics Inc., Mackenzie, British Columbia, Canada..
Euchiniko Sidehills and Grizzly Valley 2015 Vegetation Monitoring Summary
Ecofor Consulting. — 2016.
Rangeland Management Recommendations for Euchiniko Sidehills Proposed Sensitive Area
Simonar, K. and Migabo, S. — 2004.
Gaius Point Uplands UWR Fuel Management Treatment: Photo Inventory
Prescribed burning of logging slash for ecological restoration of berries and grizzly bear forage near Mt. Horetzky
Haeussler, S. — 2015.
Rubyrock Ecosystem Management Plan- Final
Blackwell, B. and Steele, F. — 2003.
Prescribed Burn Assesment, Cunningham Lake Prescribed Burn Site (east end): Vegetation/Burn Effectiveness Monitoring
Sulyma, R. — 2008.
Wildlife Infometrics Inc..
Savory Ridge UWR - Powerpoint Presentation (PDF)
Savory Ridge UWR - Powerpoint Presentation
Stuart River Prescribed Burn Monitoring Report
Albertson, O. — 2009.
Stuart River Provincial Park 2016 Vegetation Monitoring Summary
Ecofor Consulting Ltd. — 2017.
Burn Impacts in PIR CP 633, Block 1: An analysis of techniques for measuring then impacts of broadcast burning.
LM Forest Resource Solutions Ltd. — 2017.
LM Forest Resource Solutions Ltd..
Proposed Priority Ecological Restoration Sites: Blackwater River Ungulate Winter Range
Albertson O. — 2014.

Fuel Management

Report on Sutherland Grassland (Tl'o 'anun) Reconnaissance
Kaffanke, T. — 2015.
Assessment of potential wildlife impacts: mid-term timber supply
— 2012.
Province of British Columbia.
BC Wildland fire management strategy
— 2010.
British Columbia wildland urban interface fire consequence management plan
— 2008.
Ministry of Forests & Range/Protection Branch.
Red Hills prescribed fire: eight year post-burn vegetation monitoring
de Groot, A., and S Haeussler. — 2016.
Fire-resilient landscapes - NOTES
Daigle. P. — 2010.
BC Ministry of Environment, Ecosystems Protectin and Sustainability Branch.
Fire-resilient landscapes - NIR
Daigle. P. — 2010.
BC Ministry of Environment, Ecosystems Protectin and Sustainability Branch.
Ecologically based decision matrix for determing response to fire in the Northern Interior Forest Region
Effectiveness of Litter Removal to Prevent Cambial Kill-Caused Mortality in Northern Arizona Ponderosa Pine
Fowler,J.F., C. Hull Sieg, and L.L. Wadleigh. — 2010.
Forest Science 56(2) 2010.
The myth of "catasrophic" wildfire: a new ecological paradigm of forest health.
Hanson, C. — 2010.
John Muir Project Technical Report.
Retaining old trees when reintroducing fire into long-unburned forests that historically burned frequentl
Hood, S. M. In Press.
Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-XXX, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Ro.
Assessing post-fire Douglas-fir mortality and Douglas-fir beetle attacks in the northern Rocky Mountains
Hood, S, B. Bentz, K. Gibson, K. Ryan, and G. DeNitto. — 2007.
Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-199. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture,.
Douglas-fire beetle attack and tree mortality following wildfire
Hood, S.M., B. Bentz, and K.C. Ryan.
USDA Forest Service.
Using Bark Char Codes to Predict Post-fire Cambium Mortality
Hood, S.M., D.R. Cluck, S.L. Smith, K.C. Ryan. — 2008.
Fire Ecology: 4(1): 57-73.
Strategic plan for the use of prescribed fire to restore ecosystems in the Okanagan region
Blackwell & Associates and Gray Consulting. — 2006.
A field guide to predict delayed mortality of fire-damaged ponderosa pine: application and validation of the Malheur Model
Thies, W.G., D.J. Westlind, M. Loewen, and G. Brenner. — 2008.
US Department of Agriculture. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-769.
Managing the Dry Douglas Fir Forests of the Southern Interior: Workshop Proceedings
Vyse, Alan, Chris Hollstedt, and David Huggard (editors). — 1998.
Wildfire Managment Plan 2011 Vanderhoof District - MAP
— 2011.
Wildfire Management Branch Strategic Plan 2012-2017
Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.
Sutherland Protected Area Shrubland Complex – Extending an Interpretation Deeper into the Past
Kaffanke, T. — 2018.
Prepare for Society for Ecosystem Restoration in Northern British Columbia.

Species at Risk

The Response of Caribou Terrestrial Forage Lichens to Mountain Pine Beetles and Forest Harvesting in the East Ootsa and Entiako Areas: Annual Report – 2007/08 – Year 7
Cichowski, D., P. Williston, and S. Haeussler. — 2008.
Silviculture options for use in ranges designated for the conservation of northern caribou in British Columbia
McNay, R.S. — 2011.
BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 12(2):55–73.
Northern Mountain Cariboo post fire habitat restoration extension. Chu Cho Environmental
Rapai, S. — 2017.
Report 22000 20 SERNBC CAT14 04-07.
Mule deer ungulate winter range (U-7-002) Report
Sulyma, S. — 2003.
Fort St. James Forest Distirct Omineca Region. Minsitry of Water, Land and Air Protection.
Vanderhoof Caribou-ungulate Winter Range Forest for Tomorrow Project 2008/9
Mule deer ungulate winter range for the Vanderhoof Forest District (U-7-011) report
Yaremko, L. — 2003.
Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection.
Evaluating effects of large-scale salvage logging for mountain pine beetle on terrestrial and aquatic vertebrates. Mountain Pine Beetle Iniative Working Paper 2004-2.
Bunnell, F.L., K.A. Squires, I. Houde. — 2004.
Examining the role of terrestrial lichen transplants in restoring woodland caribou winter habitat
Rapai, S.B., D. McColl, and R. T. McMullin. — 2017.
The Forestry Chronicle Vol. 93, No. 3: 204-212.
Best Management Practices for Whitebark Pine (Minus albicaulis)
Moody, R., and D. Pigott.

Fish, Passage and Stream Restoration

Improving the prospects for shallow water wetlands through upland vegetation management in the Stuart Nechako Resource District
Kaffanke, T. — 2016.
Caring for the Green Zone: Beaver - Our Watershed Partner
Fitch, L. — 2016.
Lethbridge, Alberta: Cows and Fish - Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Society.
Improving the prospects of shallow water wetlands through upland vegetation management in the Stuart Nechako Resource District - PowerPoint
Kaffanke, T. — 2016.
The Beaver Restoration Guidebook: Working with Beaver to Restore Streams, Wetlands, and Floodplains. Version 1.02
Pollock, M.M., G. Lewallen, K. Woodruff, C.E. Jordan and J.M. Castro (Editors). — 2015.
United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, Oregon.
Agencies, organizations and individuals supporting wetland conservation in BC
— 2003.
Wetland Evaluation Guide
Bond, W.K., K.W. Cox, T. Heberlein, E.W. Manning, D.R. Witty, and D.A. Young. — 1992.
Sustaining Wetlands Issues Paper Series. Issue Paper, No. 1992-1.
Predicting the risk of wet ground areas in the Vanderhoof Forest District: Project description and progress report
Rex, J. and S. Dubé. — 2006.
BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 7(2):57–71.
The development and testing of a reconnaissance level wetland assessment form on the TaTa/Skookumchuck Range Unit
Ross, T., M. Keefer, B. Jamieson. — 2006.
Prepared for Coumbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program, Nelson, BC.
Fish and Wildlife Habitat Enhancement in the Omineca Region
Forsite Consultants Ltd. — 2018.
Prepared by Forsite Consultants Ltd. for Society for Ecosystem Restoration in North Central British Columbia.
Chilako River Watershed Recovery Strategy
Forsite. — 2019.
SERNbc - Fish Passage Planning - Williston
SERNbc. — 2015.
Society for Ecosystem Restoration in North Central BC.
Parsnip River Watershed - Fish Habitat Confirmations (PEA-F20-2967)
Irvine, A. — 2020.
Bulkley River and Morice River Watershed Groups Fish Passage Restoration Planning 2021
Irvine A. — 2021.

Grass Rangeland Management

Conservation and restoration of northwest BC grasslands
Helkenber, L. and S. Haeussler. 2009. — 2009.
Bulkley Valley Centre for Natural Resources Research & Management.
Grouse mountain post burn vegetation inventory
Veenstra, V., and S. Haeussler. — 2002.
Prepared by Skeena Forestry Consultants for Bulkley Forest District.
Overview of grassland-aspen interactions in the Prince Rupert Forest Region
Veenstra, V., D. McLennan, G. Senichenko. — 2002.
Prepared by Oikos Ecological Services for the Prince Rupert Forest Region.
Red Hills Fire History
de Groot, A., and C. Welsh. — 2018.
Prepared for BC Parks and Society for Ecosystem Restoration in Northcentral BC.

Forest Ecosystems

Ecology and management of interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var glauca) at the northern extreme of its rang
Lousier, J.D., and W.B Kessler, editors. — 1999.
Proceedings of a workshop held 7-9 October 1996 in Fort St. James, British Columbia. Faculty of Natural Resources & Environmental Studies, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, B.C..
Aspen Distribution in North-central British Columbia: Abundance, trends, and implications for shallow water wetlands
Bonderud, E., D. Evans, and S. Rapai. — 2018.
Prepared by Chu Cho Environmental for Society for Ecosystem Restoration in Northern British Columbia.

Climate Change

Adapting British Columbia's Forest Pracitices for a changing climate: FRPA Policy Assessment Workshop 'as it was heard' report
— 2011.
Global weirding in British Columbia: Climate change and the habitat of terrestrial vertebrates.
Bunnell, F.L., L.L. Kremsater, and R.W. Wells. — 2011.
BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 12(2):21–38.
Assessing the climatic sensitivty of Douglas-fire at its northern range margins in British Columbia, Canada
Griesbauer, H.P. and D.S. Green. — 2010.
Adapting Natural Resource Management to Climate Change: useful concepts and tactical approaches.
Halofsky, J.E., D.L. Peterson, M.J. Furniss, L.A. Joyce, C.I. Millar, and R.P. Neilson.
Key elements of biodiversity in British Columbia: some examples from the terrestrial and freshwater aquatic realm
Holt, R. F., and T. Hatfield. — 2007.
Prepared for Conservation Planning Tools Commitee.
Adaption options for climate-senstive ecosystems and resources
Joyce, L.A.
US Climate Change Science Program.
Resilience and climate change: adaption potential for ecological systems and forest managment in the West Kootenays
— 2010.
Technical Working Paper Draft.
limate Change, impacts, and adaptation scenarios: climate change and forest and range management in British Columbia. B.C.
Spittlehouse, D.L. — 2008.
Min. For. Range, Res. Br., Victoria, B.C. Tech. Rep. 045..



Governmental Plans

Burn Plan for Smoke Management in the Vanderhoof Forest District - MAP
— 2011.
Burn Plan for Smoke Management in the Vanderhoof Forest District - REPORT
— 2011.
Province of British Columbia order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
Vanderhoof defined forest area sustainable forest management plan
— 2010.
Vanderhoof land and resource management plan
File 204-20/LRMP-VA.
SERN Constitutions and Bylaws


Board and Committee Compensation and Expense Reimbursement
Conflict of Interest Policy
Membership Policy
Expense Reimbursement


SERN AGM Minutes

SERN AGM Minutes
— 2014.
SERN AGM Minutes
— 2015.
SERN AGM Minutes
— 2016.
SERN AGM Minutes
— 2017.
SERN AGM Minutes
— 2018.
SERN AGM Minutes
— 2019.
SERN AGM Minutes
— 2020.
2021. SERN AGM Minutes
SERNbc AGM Minutes
— 2022.

SERN Literature and Reports

SERNBC Ecosystem Restoration Project Selection Process Development Workshop.
Smart, B. — 2016.
Forsite Consultants Ltd..
Society for Ecosystem Restoration in North Central BC (SERNbc) First Nations Collaboration: Final Report
Hawkes, J. — 2016.
Report on Sutherland Grassland (Tl'o 'anun) Reconnaissance
Kaffanke, T. — 2015.
Ecosystem Restoration Treatment Prescription
SERN. — 2013.
Euchiniko Lakes Sidehills.
Strategic Plan - 2014
SERN. — 2014.
The Vanderhoof Ecosystem Restoration Strategic Plan
Tactical Plan: Whitebark Pine in the Omineca Region - Final Draft
Tactical Plan: Whitebark Pine in the Omineca Region - March 2013
SERN. — 2013.
Whitebark Pine Restoration Plan for Mount Robson Provincial Park 2015
SERN. — 2015.
Promoting Whitebark Pine Recovery in British Columbia
Assisted Migration of Douglas-Fir in the Omineca Region
SERNbc Strategic Intent - 2013: Draft report
SERNbc. — 2013.
SERNbc Strategic Plan 2020-2025: A five-year vision for healthy and resilient ecosystems in Northern British Columbia
SERNbc. — 2020.
Ronalds. 2023.
Ferguson et al. 2023.